
Showing posts from December, 2013

The Reasons They Piled on Imad Hamad and ADC

 From left Former FBI director John Bell, former US attorney Jeff Collins, Imad Hamad, recognized for their BRIDGES involvement. In the picture is current US attorney Barbara L. McQuade The Reasons They Piled on Imad Hamad and ADC: Dialogue with the U.S. Government, Opening Up to the Gulf A who’s who of “progressive” and “leftist” Arab American activists piled on Mr. Imad Hamad, the former Michigan regional director of the American Arab anti- Discrimination Committee (ADC), with unexpected viciousness. In hindsight, it is expected viciousness. For many reasons - reasons that have nothing to do with the stale harassment claims, the 15- year- old claim of Rashida and the 8- year- old claim of Rana- or Rashida Tlaib and Rana Abbas. There are two key reasons for this viciousness- one domestic and one international. “Sin” # 1: Dialogue with the Government The domestic reason is the engagement and dialogue with the government that Imad Hamad adopt...

Former ADC President Sara Najjar's “Open Letter” to Imad Hamad

Former ADC President Sara Najjar-Wilson Former ADC regional director Mr. Imad Hamad     An “Open Letter” to MR. IMAD S. HAMAD        December 4, 2013     Dear Imad,   It is my understanding that on November 22, 2013, you retired as Senior National Advisor of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) and Regional Director of ADC-Michigan.    It is regrettable that your retirement occurred on the 50 th Anniversary of the assassination of President john F.   Kennedy.   As you probably also know, November 22 is also the date of Lebanon’s Independence Day.   Accordingly, it is with heartfelt sadness that I find myself writing you this thank you letter, but (at the same time) maintaining a sense of hope that you will now have the independence and freedom to continue serving the community at large in some other capacity.   For the entire time that I have known you...

Lebanese Al-Akhbar Newspaper Misrepresents Al Walid Bin Talal’s Views on Shiite –Sunni Relations

Prince Al Walid Bin Talal     Prince Al Walid Bin Talal is a half Saudi, half Lebanese billionaire. That’s enough for the "leftists"[who knows what it means in today's Lebanon] Lebanese al-Akhbar newspaper to dislike him.   They have the right to dislike him. However, they don’t have the right to misrepresent his views and in doing so add to Sunni-Shia tensions that are already at sky high levels.   al-Akhbar accused the prince of speaking in the name of all Sunnis. He never claimed that and he cannot claim it. They claimed that he spoke in the name of the Sunnis advocating cooperating with Israel against Iran and the Shia.   The prince is a highly successful businessman. He did not become this successful and rich by dwelling on sectarian issues. He merely provided a descriptive picture of the unfortunate reality in the Muslim world. Anyone who peruses Gallup survey numbers and PEW numbers knows that what the prince sai...