The Reasons They Piled on Imad Hamad and ADC
From left Former FBI director John Bell, former US attorney Jeff Collins, Imad Hamad, recognized for their BRIDGES involvement. In the picture is current US attorney Barbara L. McQuade The Reasons They Piled on Imad Hamad and ADC: Dialogue with the U.S. Government, Opening Up to the Gulf A who’s who of “progressive” and “leftist” Arab American activists piled on Mr. Imad Hamad, the former Michigan regional director of the American Arab anti- Discrimination Committee (ADC), with unexpected viciousness. In hindsight, it is expected viciousness. For many reasons - reasons that have nothing to do with the stale harassment claims, the 15- year- old claim of Rashida and the 8- year- old claim of Rana- or Rashida Tlaib and Rana Abbas. There are two key reasons for this viciousness- one domestic and one international. “Sin” # 1: Dialogue with the Government The domestic reason is the engagement and dialogue with the government that Imad Hamad adopt...