The Reasons They Piled on Imad Hamad and ADC

From left Former FBI director John Bell, former US attorney Jeff Collins, Imad Hamad, recognized for their BRIDGES involvement. In the picture is current US attorney Barbara L. McQuade

The Reasons They Piled on Imad Hamad and ADC:

Dialogue with the U.S. Government, Opening Up to the Gulf
A who’s who of “progressive” and “leftist” Arab American activists piled on Mr. Imad Hamad, the former Michigan regional director of the American Arab anti- Discrimination Committee (ADC), with unexpected viciousness.

In hindsight, it is expected viciousness.

For many reasons - reasons that have nothing to do with the stale harassment claims, the 15- year- old claim of Rashida and the 8- year- old claim of Rana- or Rashida Tlaib and Rana Abbas.
There are two key reasons for this viciousness- one domestic and one international.

“Sin” # 1: Dialogue with the Government

The domestic reason is the engagement and dialogue with the government that Imad Hamad adopted and institutionalized. Imad Hamad and ADC sat with the government. Imad Hamad met regularly and openly with the government officials. He believed and preached that the government is a partner and not an adversary. He believed that the community should be seen by the government as a partner and not as a suspect. Among the agencies that ADC and Imad Hamad met regularly with is the FBI, an agency that the fringe of Arab America sees as Hoover’s FBI. Not only did Imad engage in a dialogue with the government, he institutionalized this dialogue, brought major players from the government and the community to the table, forming the internationally-known law enforcement-community forum of BRIDGES. That was breaking all the taboos for the small but vocal segment of the Arab American community. That “progressive” segment thought that Imad and ADC were “in bed” with the government.  They bided their time and piled on when the opportunity arose or was manufactured.

“Sin” # 2 Opening Up to Arab Gulf Monarchies

A second key reason Imad is hated by the fringe is international. This small and marginal segment, the “progressives” and “leftists” have a self-declared war on “patriarchy” and the “oppression of women” that they see behind everything in society-especially Arab and Muslim society.  And, make no mistake about it, there is no Arab region that this tiny, marginal, but obnoxiously loud, group hate more than the Arab Gulf region. They hate the monarchies and the traditional social system which they see as “oppressive” and in need of revolutionary change. Imad Hamad committed the sin of all sins when he opened up to the Arab Gulf region and engaged them, with respect, as he should have. The ADC is a mainstream Arab organization that represents a community that is largely conservative and mainstream in it s views.  Most Arab Americans are conservative and voted Republican until fairly recently. The majority of Arab Americans, if not openly opposed to feminists, progressives, leftists, and  Nawal Saadawi worshippers like  Nadine Christine Naber, they are not fans of them and for sure do not believe that they are representative of mainstream Arab American views and values.

The Campaign of Sabotage and Destuction

The bottom line is the ADC/ Imad Hamad saga is not about Rana Abbas and Rashida Tlaib, whatever the truths or untruths of their stale claims and their highly suspect timing with the manufactured media circus. The war against ADC and Imad Hamad is not about the two women or women. It is not about sexual harassment. It is simply the campaign of a marginal radical segment of the Arab American population, due to its almost zero resonance with the larger Arab American community, unable to democratically play a key role in shaping the policies and running the affairs of ADC, going for sabotage and destruction of the organization.

A War of Leftist “Terror”

This anti- ADC/anti Imad Hamad campaign is nothing short of leftist “war of terror” that will succeed in destruction only- as leftist wars are usually successful at.

Have any doubts about the intentions, the tactics and strategy of these leftist fanatics?  Ask the people involved with ADC’s once very active San Francisco chapter.






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