The Functional Usage of Sectarian Imagery and Slogans: From the Iran-Iraq War to the Syrian Conflict
Why is Hezbullah using the heavy duty Shia-specific sectarian charged slogans? Why these slogans, one wonders? What happened to the Pan Islamic slogans? It is for the same reason that Ayatollah Khomeini used the sectarian charged slogans during the Iran –Iraq war. The pan- Islamic slogans are not as effective in mobilizing and exciting the base when its an intra- Muslim fight. Ayatollah Khomeini’s revolution at its initial stage was thought of as a pan- Islamic revolution and not as a Shia revolution. I once met one of the Sunni Islamists who traveled to Tehran after the revolution to congratulate the Ayatollah on his revolution. Those were the heady days of Islamic unity. That Sunni Islamist says today that "they" meaning Sunni Islamists should have known better. The irrational exuberance did not last long. And one key reason is the Iraq-Iran war of 1980-1988. With the war not going in Iran’s favor, and with the death toll mounting and...