The True colors of Asad Abukhalil: A Sectarian Fanatic hiding behind the Palestine Cause
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Asad Abu Khalil |
The True colors of Asad Abukhalil: A Sectarian Fanatic hiding behind the Palestine Cause
Palestine from publicity seeking stunt to the
fig leaf to hide sectarian tribal militancy.
The Angry Arab is an Angry sectarian
Abukhalil is a
political scientist who rode the Palestine cause to rise from marginality into
a fraudulent claim of commitment to Palestine and the Palestinians
One is tempted to
think of Asad Abukhalil as the Moammar Ghaddafi of Middle East Studies. That is he is a clown, a raving lunatic, a
publicity seeker, an embarrassment to Arabs and Muslims.
There is truth to all
that but there is more.
I have written about
Asad before and called him out for what he is- a liar. See
But there is more.
Professional Palestinian: Palestine as a
publicity stunt
There are Palestinian
professionals and there are professional Palestinians. Palestinian professionals
are Palestinians who work in the professions. Professional Palestinians are
those, and there are many, who use the Palestine cause to advance their own
agenda. Asad Abu Khalil is a professional Palestinian who has used the Palestine
cause as a publicity stunt to rise from being an obscure political scientist of
no particular importance to a self promoter, a publicity seeker, in the name of
Palestine. His Palestine business continues to be useful as a fig leaf as he has
devolved into a tribal sectarian fanatic.
Palestine and his idol
the late George Habash are useful tools of self promotion- stunts- also useful to
veil, thinly veil, his sectarian tribalism which has become increasingly
obvious with the Syrian crisis.
Repulsive Sectarianism
The “former”
communist, current “anarchist,” George Habash as a Facebook Cover page, the “my
mother is a Sunni”- as if that makes him any less a radical sectarian fanatic. I must admit that I was one his Facebook
friends, like many others that decamped, I was repulsed by this sectarianism
and his use, like that of many others, of the Palestine cause as a tool for his
own end.
The dominant theme of
the man’s comments are thinly veiled sectarian cheerleading and defense of his tribe.
It is becoming
increasingly flagrant and laughable.
Asad Abukhalil is a
sectarian fanatic who hides behind the Palestine cause to veil his true colors.
It has become increasing clear that the fig leaf of Palestine barley covers the
angry tribal sectarian fanatic. Unfortunately, many Palestinians desperate for
support from any source continue to believe in Abukhalil- a man whose sectarian
tribalism has him clinically fixated on the Hariris, the father and the son, obsessed
with attacking all whom he perceives as threats to the hegemony of his tribe’s
militia in Lebanon- whether it is the Hariri family, MP Walid Jumblatt or
Lebanese Forces Samir Geagea.
Using sectarian code
Abukhalil uses Shiite sectarian code in reference to the
Sunnis. Commonly used Shia fanatics terms to describe the Sunnis are nawasib
and Bani ummaya. He follows the tradition of the sectarian fanatics- and then
he claims to be misunderstood.
This is from his FB
مَن--بئس هذا العصر الطائفي--أساء فهم صدر البيت الشعري "بني أميّة
الخ". قصدته عن كل العرب, سنة وشيعة. أقرأوا باقي القصيدةالبداية_والنهاية/الجزء_العاشر/ثم_دخلت_سنة_ست_وستين_ومائةالبداية_والنهاية/الجزء_العاشر/ثم_دخلت_سنة_ست_وستين_ومائة
Oh-how could anyone
think this man is a sectarian fanatic?
Isn’t his mommy Sunni
and he is an “anarchist” who he loves George Habash and has the FB cover page
to prove it?
In defense of the extended tribe
This is an exchange on
the Sociology of Islam list serve between a British scholar and Asad where Asad
blew a gasket defending his extended sectarian tribe:
Thomas Pierret wrote:
Although I have no doubt about the fact that
the overall death toll is at least that high, it is hard for me to believe that
Alawites account for one third of the victims.
As far as civilians
are concerned, Alawites have suffered much less from the war than Sunnis.
Regions inhabited by Alawites have been spared major military operations to a
large extent. No large Alawite town or neighbourhood was overrun by the rebels,
and none of them has known the fate of the countless Sunni cities that were
turned into rubble by the regime's artillery and bombers (most of Homs, half of
Aleppo, large parts of Deir ez-Zor and Damascus' suburbs, as well as many other
smaller cities like al-Rastan, Talbisse, al-Qusayr, Khan Shaykhun, Ma'rat
al-Nu'man, A'zaz, al-Atarib - the list is virtually unlimited). Mortar shells
and rockets fired by rebels landed in Alawite neighbourhoods in Damascus and
Homs as well as (very recently) in smaller towns like al-Qardaha, but these
attacks were too sporadic and limited to entail very large numbers of
casualties. Same for the few car bombs that exploded in places like Mezze 86
(Damascus). There were sectarian killings on both sides in Homs during the
summer and autumn of 2011, as well as two known massacres of several dozens of
Alawite civilians (in Aqrab last December, and near a military factory in
Salamiyye more recently), but nothing that compares, for instance, with the
daily massacres carried out by loyalist forces against Sunnis around Damascus
during the regime's counter-offensive in the region in August-September 2012
(several hundreds were executed in Dariya alone, but dozens of dead bodies were
found almost everyday in the province during that period). Civilian casualties
on the Sunni side also include an unknown (but probably very high) number of
prisoners executed while in detention. There is no equivalent for that on the
Alawite side.
In such circumstances,
it is likely that the largest share of Alawite victims are members of the
military, since Alawites constitute most of the regime's fighting units, but
here again, the figure mentioned in the report is doubtful. Indeed, since Sunni
victims also include soldiers who died while fighting on the regime's side, it
would mean that regime forces lost as much or more men than the opposition.
Again, this is hard to believe: in conflicts that are characterised by such a
massive imbalance in terms of firepower (insurgents have no planes, ballistic
missiles, and very few heavy guns), the side with the smaller guns generally
suffers considerably higher casualties, even when it wins in the end (think of
Vietnam for instance).
In conclusion, I think
that either the number of Alawite victims is overestimated by the SOHD, or it
is correct, in which case the total death toll is much, much higher than
Here is Asad jumping
in to defend his extended tribe. Since the British scholar is not a Sunni
Muslim Asad could not call him a “Wahabi” -one of his favorite code words for
the Sunnis:
Thomas: There is something quite disturbingly
sectarian (and even worse) in your purely emotional—nay
sectarian—response. You are quibbling
with a report that is issued by a group that is unquestionably supportive of
the Syrian armed movement. So you may
take up the case with them, and not with this group. But while you dispute the report (personally,
I treat all reports on the Syrian conflict as propaganda by both sides, pending
the arrival of verified information or facts) you go on to say that, well, if
this is true, all those `Alawites (or “the largest share of Alawite victims”
according to your language) are guilty people who were members of the
military. You either accept the finding
of the report, or you don’t. Also, do
you experience any moral guild at all in giving a long distance verdict about
thousands upon thousands of `Alawite victims in Syria? You feel that you are in
a position to decide that “the largest share of Alawite victims” are guilty
people who deserved to die and be mutilated as well? I mean, really?
Inciting against the Palestinian refugees
Now he has stooped to
a lower level of sectarianism by inciting against the Palestinian refugees in
Lebanon by saying that the next civil war will have the Syrians and
Palestinians involved in it too. This is despite the fact that the Palestinians
are going out of their way to keep the conflicts around them at bay. That is he
is insinuating that the [Sunni] Palestinians will join the fight against his
tribe- that is he is providing an excuse/logic for a violent pre-emption or a
future massacre of the Palestinian refugees whose cause he has been riding for
his own ends through the years.
الحرب الأهليّة المُقبلة في لبنان ستكون ثلاثيّة الأبعاد, لأن السوريّين
والفلسطينيّين في لبنان سيُجرّون إليها.
Khalil Rammal مزبوط لان حماس عديمة
الوفاء والسوريون "المعارضون" تشتريهم قرطة "فرقة ١٤ آذار للخيانة
الوطنية" وتبيعهم متى تشاء. وهم طابور خامس.